My Cute Log Book Cover
Yes it is almost 4:00 a.m. and I've been up working on creations. And this is what I did tonight and I am very proud of! At BCFC I am required to keep a log book of all my learning and activities for Jim to sign-off on for when I go to be licensed to care for exotic felines. Before I was just keeping a spiral notebook on it that had a kitten on the front, but it was starting to get a little ratty. I also needed a binder to put in all my other paperwork such as grant applications I complete, the newsletter I help head-up for them and also public handouts I create. So I got a binder where I could make my own cute cover and this is it! When I finished it I actually squealed and scared Dave to death! He looked at me to see what was going on! LOL! I couldn't fit the whole page on my scanner but you get the gist of it. It's got bobcat ribbon on the right side as well, so it's like a mirrored image. But I wuv it! I'll have the cutest log book ever! LOL The pi...